WASS PhD Workshop | Engaged research and impactful interventions in energy transition research in the Global South

When and where: December 6, 10.30-12.00h, B77 Leeuwenborch

Which new forms of engagement and intervention can be developed through academic research to accelerate just energy transitions? What tools and methodological devices can be created to facilitate forms of intervention and engagement that open the envisioning alternative and desirable futures? What is the role of researchers and academic research in terms of contributing to the realization of a just transition? If you are interested in these questions, join this workshop on engaged research and energy transitions with Tomás Ariztia and Maite Hernando.

In this workshop we discuss and problematize alternative modes of engagement and impactful intervention within the context of academic research on energy and sustainable transitions. Based on two articles that explore two different modes of engagement and intervention in scholar research on the energy transition in the Global South. The first article, The micropolitical life of energy projects: A collaborative exploration of injustice and resistance to small hydropower projects in the Wallmapu, Southern Chile by Hernando-Arrese and Rasch (2023) describe a collaborative research with communities resisting the development of small hydropower plants; the second article Baroque tools for climate action. What do we learn from a catalogue of local technologies? by Ariztia, Bravo and Nuñez (2023), analyze the creation and uses of a new catalog of local technologies for climate action in Chile. 

After a brief presentation of the general argument of the articles by the authors, participants will engage in discussion regarding the aforementioned questions in seminar format. 

– Hernando-Arrese, Maite, and Elisabet Dueholm Rasch. “The Micropolitical Life of Energy Projects: A Collaborative Exploration of Injustice and Resistance to Small Hydropower Projects in the Wallmapu, Southern Chile.” Energy Research & Social Science 83 (January 1, 2022): 102332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2021.102332

– Ariztia, Tomas, Aline Bravo, and Ignacio Nuñez. “Baroque Tools for Climate Action. What Do We Learn from a Catalogue of Local Technologies?” Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society 6, no. 1 (December 31, 2023): 2141015. https://doi.org/10.1080/25729861.2022.2141015

For questions, please contact Elisabet Rasch: Elisabet.Rasch@WUR.nl